European Food Summit - COMMON-SENSITARIAN DIET MANIFESTO: The new common sense food culture

COMMON-SENSITARIAN DIET MANIFESTO: The new common sense food culture

Ljubljana, Slovenia, 10. 11. 2022


THE "COMMON-SENSITARIAN" DIET is not a diet that restricts me in what I can and cannot eat. It is both a personal moral commitment and an appeal for social, economic and political change. It respects planetary boundaries and is necessary for restoring sustainable food systems with a lower negative impact on the climate and the environment.

THE "COMMON-SENSITARIAN" DIET is a mindset that helps me to develop a positive attitude towards food and makes me aware of the moral implications of my food choices. It is a guide for informed food choices for individuals, food providers, chefs, businesses, NGOs and policy makers that will benefit the climate, the natural environment and human health.

THE "COMMON-SENSITARIAN" DIET is respectful, responsible and inclusive. It is satisfying because it is good for my body, my soul and our planet, and it is respectful to all stakeholders in the food and beverage supply chains. It is based on a diverse foundation of natural, social and human sciences.



Food is good for our planet.

  • I eat a diet with a smaller environmental footprint, so foods originating from plants make up the majority of my diet. I eat less foods of animal origin, especially less processed meat and red meat.
  • I include organically produced foods in my meals as much as possible.
  • I actively contribute to reducing food waste.
  • I buy food from local producers.
  • I avoid unnecessary and environmentally unfriendly food and beverage packaging.


Food is respectful and responsible towards all people.

  • I respect people in food and beverage supply chains (food growers, food industry employees, caterers and retail industry employees).
  • I am committed to making quality food more accessible to all members of society.
  • I respect the dietary choices of people who think differently and the dietary habits of different cultures.
  • I advocate for solutions that encourage local organic produce and small producers.
  • I have a responsible attitude toward drinking alcohol.

Food is good for my well-being.

  • I look forward to and enjoy eating, and take the time to do so. I eat regularly, not too much and not too little, but I choose food of better quality.
  • I see meals as an opportunity for genuine socializing, while creating a kinder and more accepting relationship with myself.
  • My "common-sensitarian" eating habits allow for occasional dietary indulgences.


Food is good for my body.


  • varied and wholesome seasonal food, with a predominance of plant-based foods;
  • vegetables (including herbs, spices, microgreens), legumes, wholegrains, mushrooms, nuts and fruit;
  • water, mineral water and teas (fruit, herbal and green).


  • excessively salty and sweet foods, fried foods and drinks with added sugar;
  • ultra-processed foods containing unnatural preservatives, flavor enhancers, saturated fat and cholesterol;
  • processed meat products and red meat.



  • Martin Jzeršek, Jezeršek gostinstvo
  • Ana Roš, Hiša Franko
  • Dr. Afton Halloran
  • Andrea Petrini
  • Urška Battelino, PhD
  • Hon. Prof. Janez Bogataj, PhD
  • Zdenka Čebašek-Travnik, PhD
  • Prof. Nataša Fidler Mis, PhD, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Division of Pediatrics
  • Prof. Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, PhD, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana
  • Prof. Tanja Kamin, PhD, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana
  • Prof. Barbara Koroušić Seljak, PhD, Jozef Stefan Institute
  • Prof. Samo Kreft, PhD, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana
  • Marjana Peterman, Slovene Consumers' Association
  • Prof.  Adriana Rejc Buhovac, PhD, School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana
  • Prof. Karin Sernec, PhD, University Psychiatric Clinic Ljubljana
  • Assist. Prof. Tadej Strehovec, PhD, Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
  • Nika Tavčar, Umanotera, The Slovenian Foundation for Sustainable Development
  • Assoc. Prof. Andreja Vezovnik, PhD, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana